Sunday, February 13, 2011

E-mails from India - Part 2

Here's another e-mail, this time from our Grade 1 friend.

February 12, 2011

Mumbai, India

Hello everyone.  This is J.  

My first picture was taken by C. in the London airport.  This is a Boeing 777, one of the biggest planes in the world.  This is our plane that we flew on!

My second picture is of a humungous wasp that we saw in Mumbai in my Aunt and Uncle's house. It was as long as a battery!

My movie was taken at the textile market.  I chose this movie because we are doing textiles at school.  This man is weaving silk together into a blanket I think.


E-mails from India- Part 1

This weekend brought the first emails from our two classmates who are visiting India. Our friends have included pictures that they took while travelling through this amazing country! Below is the first e-mail from our Grade 3 traveller.

February 12, 2011


Hello Classmates!

I am having a great time in India.  Here are some photos from Mumbai.  Mumbai is busy: it is filled with beggars, cab drivers, millionaires, and deities.  The religion here is mainly Hindu, although there are Buddists, Jains, Catholics, Muslims, and Sikhs as well.  

The black deities that you see in my picture are from the Jain temple.  The Jains wear things over their mouths to prevent breathing on the gods and goddesses.  The Jains also sweep ants out of the way to prevent stepping on them.

The temple you see is on Mount Mary.  It has a statue of Mary that was found more than 300 years ago.  This statue is called the Pearled Mother and there is a legend that it was found floating in the sea by a fisherman.  It is next door to my Aunt and Uncle's place.  Some people believe that she grants wishes.  We lit candles and I made a wish.

My Aunt and Uncle have a statue of Ganesh, the god of good luck.  Legends say that his head was chopped off and replaced with an elephant's head.  This is a picture of me meditating in front of Ganesh.

Hope you are having a good time up there.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stowaway: The Voyage Returns!

Today our intermediate students finished Stowaway by Karen Hesse. As part of their novel study, they will be putting time and effort into a final project for the novel.

(There's talk of making a movie!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stowaway Part 17

Nicholas, Tarheto, and John Charleton witness a light display in the sky, much like the aurora borealis (Northern Lights). However, they are currently in the Southern Hemisphere, sailing through the East Indies, so it definitely wouldn't be the Northern Lights.

What do you think this light display is called?