Monday, January 24, 2011

Fizzy Science!

This morning our class did an experiment to see how our stomach digests food and passes it through the digestive system.

First, we put citric acid into our "stomach" to stand in for digestive juices. Then we added sodium bicarbonate to stand in for food. Next, we added brown food colouring to stand in for digestive enzymes.

Then we stood back and watched the "food" be digested by the acid and passed along to the "intestines."

Water is added to our "stomach" to aid in digestion.

After the food has been digested, it is eliminated from the body.

Thanks go to the student who brought this neat experiment in to do with the class. We enjoyed it!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! I think each and every person involved in this experiment will know about digestion following this visual experience. Thank you Miss Fuller for your openness to the ideas and sharing families bring to your class.
